The location shoot took place in Belfairs Woods in Leigh and we were very lucky with the weather. The rain literally started when we finished! 

This was quite exciting for me! I have already done few of the Motherhood photoshoots and this time the focus was on a bond between dad & his son.

We started off together, dog included, and tried to encourage Ethan to wander off with dad but in the end we decided it would be best for mummy to leave us to it. It worked well and we have a lovely selection of pictures of the boys together and some sneaky ones of mummy too.

I love the last one of Ethan running back to his mummy but tripping over and catching him mid-fall, this makes me go ‘awww’ so sharing it with you <3

More information about Motherhood or Fatherhood Photoshoots is on my website or please message me here or my FB page.

Comments and feedback always welcome!