Bit intriguing I guess and you may be curious what I am going on about.
So just recently I decided I want a change and I want something else from my business and instead of specializing solely on portraiture, offer more lifestyle approach to my sessions across all my packages.
No biggie you may think, but from where I was sat, it felt like I’m turning my back to years of experience, learning and skills; that what I’m known for will not matter anymore and the fear of I’m not good enough at it will kick in, the well known imposter syndrome and comparison… And then I reminded myself that actually if I do what I always did, I will get what I always got 😉
It is not that I’m a total newbie in a lifestyle photography, never challenge myself or that I fear I wont deliver what I promised, I already offer my Motherhood and Fatherhood packages in reportage style, and that is exactly what excites me right now, the memories preserving as they happen, story telling and characters shining through in the pictures… So not, I am not skipping the ship, I just changed direction!
It is people who make me feel content, comfortable and at ease, that’s why I always felt a great comfort in my home studio I guess. And I am not saying it is wrong to have a studio session to update your family portrait! Not at all! But… I realized that pictures of children smiling and looking at the camera wouldn’t make memories for my clients. I know they wouldn’t for me anyway. I won’t lie and say that I never take those pictures, of course I do, I do love looking direct to their eyes, their faces smiling at me, grandparents and our extended family love getting those as their Christmas cards. But that’s not how it happens in everyday life, not how I want to remember it. Some of the best memorable pictures I have taken are of my kids doing their quirky things and then their sibling doing the same random things few years on!!! or their faces when they opened kinder egg surprise or a present, the sheer joy and sparkly eyes!
So what I wanted to say here is that no, I am not doing anything even remotely new but I am changing directions on what I want to offer to my families and couples and what I want them to feel when they go through their album of photographs in years time and say “Do you remember when…” and knowing that the little piece of me and my skills had a lasting effect and left something worth to remember <3
I want to share with you a snippet of our family gallery probably last 2 years, I am very organized and have my photos sorted by months so it is really easy to remember when…
My kids are so different but they share lots of interests too like their random love for snails, the love for dress up, shoes, water and lego is immense in our house; I want to remember the sensitive nature of my eldest, his passion for all sports but mostly football and his belief there is no boy-girl thing; my nurturing, inquisitive, kind, yet strong willed girl who lives for friendships but is so content in her own world at the same time; the cheekiness of little one and how openly he shares his love with us; and of course the dog, he has been with us nearly 9 years now and his time on our laps gradually decreased with every new baby we had, but he is part of our family and despite of his quirks (this would be for whole new blog) we love him really <3
To find out more, click here.