Sunset family photoshoot on the beach

in Leigh on Sea

Lifestyle family photoshoot on the beach in leigh on sea

For those who are looking for a great family photoshoot, this is one of my favourites. With beautiful scenery and amazing opportunities for activities or just be and enjoy each others company, there is so much to love! I had the pleasure of shooting with this family on not so sunny evening on Westcliff seafront.

For many families, especially with young children, the thought of being out and about at sunset times (we met at 7pm) fills them with concern. And I totally get it! By evening everyone is just ready for a little peace. But there are ways to make that exception – and very good reasons why you should sometimes do so too.

With little bit of reorganizing of the day of the shoot, it’s all possible and even exciting! Some suggestions may include scheduling a nap for babies bit later in the afternoon. Having a mid-afternoon snack and dinner served slightly later is a good way to get the fuel in at the right time. Some other tips would be to plan activities in the morning but having chilled out afternoon, keeping the energy conserved for the photoshoot.

I don’t tend to have set plans for outdoor photoshoots with young children because the pressure of an activity can put parents under unnecessary stress. Especially if it doesn’t go to plan. So going with the flow and making the games up as we go, it’s usually my go to. That said, having few activities on our mind and prepare for them, is always helpful.

Nature presents us with so many wonders, whether it’s a beach, the woods or just a field or pathway. We picked up stones and digged out holes. Boys played with the ball, then went for a walk in the mud where they found different creatures. To interest the toddler into something fun (digging was all she needed for a while), she got swinged in the air and even fed on the way. And I’m not even mentioning the cuddles, kisses and tickles for some family pictures together.

It’s been an hour of laughter, fun and family time. Something, they might do all the time, in big or small chunks but now captured in the frame to remember always.

If you would like to discuss your own family photoshoot, please contact me through contact page here.